Ballad Backing Track

BackingTrack Information


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About the Backing Track

This smooth pop ballad #backingtrack has no bass in it. It is written in the key of a minor. It is based on the track "Still in love with you" by Thin Lizzy, although I had the Sade - version in mind. The chords are am7 / Dadd11/A in the Intro and am7 / dm7 / G / C / in verse and chorus. Each verse ends with an Fmaj7. Listen to the full #instrumental version here: Here is the full version with vocals: Feel free to comment, like and share.


Scales Suggestions

A minor scale

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Jam & Backing Track by

Extra Tags

Bass Backing Tracks

Ballad accompaniment tracks

Jam Track in the key of A

Youtube Backing Track

77 BPM