Guitar Scales Chart

About Guitar Scale

Keynote scale: 

C# Db

Charts scale: 

PDF icon csharpdiminished.pdf

Guitar Scale Information

Diminished scale

The diminished scale is an eight note scale. It is a symmetrical scale in that it follows a distinct pattern, constructed from a repeated sequence of intervals (major second, minor second).

Diagram scales: 

Major Degrees: 1-2-b3-4-b5-#5-6-7 or I-II-bIII-IV-bV-#V-VI-VII

Stepping: whole - half - whole - half - whole - half - whole - half or W-H-W-H-W-H-W-H

Tonal: tone - semitone - tone - semitone - tone - semitone - tone - semitone or 2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1

Commonly used in: Jazz

Also known As: whole half scale, 2+1 scale, Octatonic scale